New route between Antwerp and Zürich | VLM Airlines

10 flights per week in each direction from 22nd January 2018
VLM Airlines is to introduce an Antwerp to Zurich air service from 22nd January 2018. The airline is offering two daily services with a Fokker 50 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays with one-way fares starting from EUR 99 / CHF 119 (all taxes included). Seats can already be booked via


The route between Zurich, one of the major financial centres in the world, and Antwerp is a missing link on Europe’s aviation map. Antwerp is Europe’s second largest seaport, the diamond capital of the world and also the second largest petrochemical centre in the world. Both Zurich and Antwerp are playing a key role in the European economy. VLM Airlines is therefore happy to fill this gap with a convenient morning and evening schedule that allows both business people and leisure travellers to get the most of their stay in either city.


New VLM route between Antwerp and Zurich from 22nd January 2018

Route Departure Arrival Flight days *
 Antwerp – Zurich 07:15 08:55 Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr
 Antwerp – Zurich 17:35 19:15 Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr
 Zurich – Antwerp 09:25 11:25 Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr
 Zurich – Antwerp 20:00 22:00 Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr