Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
10/12/2024 TB1611 08:00 Gran Canaria Departed at 07:57
11/12/2024 TB1821 08:00 Tenerife
Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
10/12/2024 TB1612 17:50 Gran Canaria Arrived at 17:31
11/12/2024 TB1822 18:00 Tenerife

Please help us to further improve our provided services to our passengers. If you have a complaint or feedback regarding the provided services, please take the time to contact us.

We understand that living near an airport can raise certain concerns and that information is important.

Following the link below you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions regarding Antwerp Airport with detailed information on operating times, noise contours, training flights, odor nuisance and the runway.

Link to complain form: