Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
27/07/2024 TB2601 22:15 Nador Diverted to Brussels
Flight operated from Brussels Airport.
28/07/2024 TB1821 06:30 Tenerife Diverted to Brussels
Flight operated from Brussels Airport.
28/07/2024 TB1401 08:05 Palma de Mallorca Diverted to Brussels
Fligth operated from Brussels Airport.
Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
27/07/2024 TB1002 20:30 Malaga Diverted to Brussels
Flight operated from Brussels Airport.
27/07/2024 TB3244 22:00 Antalya Diverted to Brussels
Flight operated from Brussels Airport.
28/07/2024 TB2602 06:35 Nador Diverted to Brussels
Flight operated from Brussels Airport.


The environmental permit for Antwerp Airport was granted on June 17, 2004 and expires on June 17, 2024. A re-license is in preparation to continue its operation in accordance with the Flemish government’s vision note of December 23, 2022.

Special conditions and politics of the environment

1. Opening hours
The airport is closed to all air traffic between 11 pm and 6.30 am, with the exception of urgent medical flights and landing aircraft in delay, the landing of which is planned at the latest at 10.30 pm.

2. Noise contours and noise measurement network
Like road and rail traffic, air traffic is a cause of noise emissions. Noise production is mainly caused by aircraft taking off and landing at the airport. Every year, Antwerp Airport has the noise contours calculated by a recognized noise expert. Aircraft noise production can be continuously monitored through the noise monitoring network installed in 2002 and renewed in 2017. This monitoring network consists of 4 measuring stations with 2 measuring stations on each side in line with the runway.

Report noise contours 2022

3. Complaints

The operator shall develop a system to record and follow up complaints. The operator also sets up a consultation committee to take stock of complaints from local residents, propose possible solutions and provide local residents and agencies with information about the environmental policies being followed and what still needs to be implemented. This committee meets twice a year. The calculated noise contours and the evaluation of the noise monitoring network are also explained and discussed.

4. Training flights
In order to limit the nuisance for the people living in the neighborhood of the Airport, only two aircraft can be in a holding pattern at the same time. On working days (from Monday to Friday) and on Saturdays, training flights are allowed from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (to 8 p.m. during winter hour), local time. On Sundays and holidays, no touch-and-go flights (circuit flying) are allowed. Each individual touch-and-go is regarded as two flights.

The total number of flights for training is limited as follows:
a) in 2009 and 2010: maximum 23,000 flights a year;
b) in 2011 and 2012: maximum 21,000 flights a year;
c) in 2013: maximum 19,000 flights a year;
d) from 2014 to 2018 inclusive: maximum 12,000 flights a year;
e) from 2019 to 2022 inclusive: maximum 10,000 flights a year;
f) from 2023 onwards: maximum 8,000 flights a year.

For touch-and-go flights (circuit flying), aircraft with a MTOW (maximum take-off weight) of less than 2,000 kg must have a maximum noise level of 76 dB(A), certified by the Aviation Directorate-General of the Federal Public Service for Mobility.


Keep in balance with the environment

The airport of Antwerp, within the framework of the sustainable development is to develop a modern transportation hub which will contribute to the local economic growth of the region. The airport wants to create an additional value by offering a fast/smooth access through the airport and by creating an exceptional travel experience for all passengers.

Improving sustainable development

In realizing future opportunities at the airport, the airport will careful plan and take following areas into consideration which are important to reach a sustainable growth: local economy, access, environment, community and land use. In reaching these future opportunities, the airport will try to minimize local disturbance and environmental impact.


The airport wants to maintain a good relationship with the local community and other agencies. Therefore, the airport constantly communicates with all key stakeholders to provide them with information on topics that may concern them. In this way, the airport aims to maintain a constructive dialogue and ensure good cooperation between all parties. Information of interest to immediate residents is posted on a separate web page. More information via (only in dutch)